
One-Time Donation

Your donation goes toward needs such as
our emergency medical fund or a vaccination
for a shelter animal.

Help today

Scheduled/recurring Donation

Regular donations help support on-going
needs such as rescue transport and low cost

sustain our mission


The Nancy Casey Memorial Endowment Fund for FOHCAS helps to secure a future of fighting for our mission for years to come until we realize our ultimate mission of no
more unwanted dogs or cats in Hardin County.

help secure a future

Planned Giving

Remember homeless animals in your will or
estate and leave a legacy that help continue
our mission until there are no more
homeless animals in our community.

leave a legacy

In Kind Donations

  • Auction items (Dirty Dog Bash, online auctions)
  • Professional services (photography, grant writing, IT support)
  • Fundraising support (animal-themed products, baked goods, hand/homemade items)
  • Shelter items (food, cleaning supplies, litter)

Other Ways to Donate

  • Create your own fundraiser – use your imagination and let us know how we can help!
  • Kroger Community Rewards:
    •  Portion of sales go to a selected non-profit
    • Link your Kroger card to FOHCAS, every time you shop at Kroger just use your
      Shopper’s Card
    • For more information and to get started visit:
Kroger Community Rewards

Volunteer With FOHCAS



FOHCAS helps facilitate volunteer opportunities at the Hardin County Animal Shelter. Volunteer opportunities include:
Dog Walking
Cat Enrichment

To learn more about our volunteer opportunities, please call 270-769-3428 or: 



Sign Up For Our Newsletter

Please send ALL MAIL to:  
P.O. Box 951 Elizabethtown, KY 42702 
Phone: 502-437-4227
Send us an email
FOHCAS is a 501c3 public charity 
EIN: 46 4219466

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